Company: Microsoft
Created by: federica.masante
Number of Blossarys: 31
Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
English (EN)
Spanish (ES)
Croatian (HR)
Tamil (TA)
Dutch (NL)
Korean (KO)
Chinese, Traditional (ZT)
The process by which the sensor orients itself to the environment.
The entire area that the sensor can "see," including walls, furniture, and other obstructions.
An object in the play space that interferes with player movement or conceals part or all of the player.
A motion made by a player that's intended to be tracked by the sensor.
Stationary body stance that is tracked and interpreted by the sensor as input.
A person's physical state as interpreted by the sensor, e. g. , standing, sitting, kneeling, and so on.
The detection and following of a person's movements by the sensor.