Created by: melisa
Number of Blossarys: 2
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English, UK (UE)
A tower built on the island of Pharos that became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. This ancient wonder is also identified as "Lighthouse of Alexandria." Built around 280 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, the lighthouse is 115 to 135 meters tall (approx. 380 - 440 ft). It was among the tallest structures of that time and was used to help direct sailors into the harbor at night.
A tower built on the island of Pharos that became one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. This ancient wonder is also identified as "Lighthouse of Alexandria." Built around 280 BC in Alexandria, Egypt, the lighthouse is 115 to 135 meters tall (approx. 380 - 440 ft). It was among the tallest structures of that time and was used to help direct sailors into the harbor at night.
Alparslan Türkeş sağ milliyetçi hareket Partisi kurucusu olan yayımlanan 9 ışık doktrini Türkiye'deki ana milliyetçi ideoloji temelinde kurulan 1965 liste dokuz temel ilkeleri başlıklı, siyasi bir broşür: milliyetçilik, idealizm, ahlakçılığı, societalism, bilimcilik, independentism, ruralism, progressivism, halkçılık, industrialism ve technologism.
Alparslan Türkeş, qui est le fondateur du Parti du Mouvement Nationaliste d'extrême droite, a publié un pamphlet politique intitulé La Doctrine des Neuf Lumières en 1965, annonçant les neuf principes de base qui ont formé le noyau de l'idéologie nationaliste principale en Turquie: le nationalisme, l'idéalisme, le moralisme, socialisme, scientificité, l'indépendantisme, la ruralité, le progressisme, le populisme, l'industrialisme, et le technologisme.
Olarak da bilinen Kemalizm'i Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin temel özelliklerini tanımlayan ilkesidir. Bu ilkeleri Cumhuriyetçilik, halkçılık, laiklik, reformizm, milliyetçilik ve diğer vardır. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün 1923'te kurulan Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) bayrağı da sağlar.
Aussi connu sous le nom kémalisme, c'est le principe qui définit les caractéristiques fondamentales de la République de Turquie. Ces principes sont le républicanisme, le populisme, la laïcité, le réformisme, le nationalisme et de l'étatisme. Ces six flèches sont également la bannière du parti républicain du peuple (CHP), qui fut créé par Mustafa Kemal Atatürk en 1923.