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Culture TermsAdd a term


Culture; Popular culture

Korean traditional cold noodle which has a chewy texture ...

Bob’s your uncle (and fanny’s your aunt)

Culture; Popular culture

This phrase means that something will be successful. It is ...

Nut Rage

Culture; Popular culture

An inflight incident that forced a Korean Air plane back to ...

trick or treat

Culture; American culture

The term "trick or treat" refers to the practice in the ...

Fashion TermsAdd a term

3D bikini

Fashion; Brands & labels

Custom-fitted bikinis printed with 3D printers. Designers ...

penny loafers

Fashion; Style, cut & fit

Lace-less slip-on shoes. Casually worn in Norway, but worn ...


Beauty; Hair style

Twists provide women with natural hair a curly and ...


Fashion; Brands & labels

Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational ...

History TermsAdd a term

Tiananmen Square

Tourism & hospitality; Tourist attractions

Tiananmen Square is a large city square in the center of ...

Acropolis of Rhodes

History; Ancient Greece

The Acropolis of Rhodes is an acropolis dating from the ...

Moctezuma's headdress

History; World history

Moctezuma's headdress is a feather-work crown, which at one ...

m18 Hellcat

History; World history

The M18 Hellcat was an American tank destroyer of World War ...

Featured blossariesStart a blossary

Haunted Places Around The World

Category: Entertainment   65 10 Terms

Famous criminals

Category: Law   2 10 Terms


Category: Education   1 1 Terms